مكيفات الأردن – Heat Wave Air Conditioners 079-5454555
أنواع المختلفة للمكيفات في الأردن
- مكيف النافذة. Window Air Condition Units
- مكيف الوحدة المفصولة Split Unit Air Condition
- مكيف الماء المبرد Chilled-water Air Condition
أساسيات جهاز مكيفات في الأردن
تعتمد فكرة عمل أجهزة تكييف الهواء على نفس المبدأ مكيفات في الأردن تستخدم خاصية تبخير سائل التبريد وهو الفريون للحصول على البرودة المطلوبة. ودورة الفريون للتبريد هي نفسها المستخدمة في الثلاجة، وغاز الفريون هو غاز غير قابل للاشتعال.
إن الفكرة الأساسية التي تعتمد عليها فكرة عمل المكيف هي ببساطة تحويل سائل إلى غاز عن طريق امتصاص حرارة من الوسط فيسبب في انخفاض درجة حرارته، ولتوضيح هذه الفكرة دعنا نذكرك عزيزي القارئ عندما تضع الماء على وجهك في يوم حار تشعر بعد ذلك ببرودة نتيجة لتبخر الماء وتحوله إلى بخار عن طريق امتصاص الحرارة من الجلد فتشعر بالبرودة كما أنك إذا ما قمت بوضع بعض قطرات من الكحول على يدك وانتظر لمدة 20-30 ثانية فستشعر ببرودة في يدك عند المنطقة التي كان عليه الكحول وستكون البرودة أكثر من تلك التي سببها الماء لأن درجة حرارة التبخر الكحول أقل من الماء، والسبب في ذلك أن الكحول يمتص حرارة من يدك ليتبخر ويتحول إلى غاز.
إذا نستنتج من ذلك بأن عملية التحول من الحالة السائلة إلى الحالة الغازية تحتاج إلى حرارة وهذه الحرارة توفرت من خلال يدك وكانت النتيجة انخفاض في درجة حرارة اليد وإذا استمرت عملية التحول من سائل إلى غاز استمرت عملية التبريد.
دورة عمل المكيف مكيفات الأردن
يقوم المكيف بالتبريد بصفة مستمرة من خلال تكرار عملية تحويل السائل إلى غاز داخل أنابيب التبريد في المكيف فتمتص حرارة من داخل الغرفة ليتبخر السائل المبرد ويتحول إلى غاز، ثم يتم ضغط الغاز باستخدام محرك خاص فتنطلق الحرارة التي امتصها ليتحول إلى سائل مرة أخرى وتتم مرحلة الضغط في الجزء الخارجي من نظام التكييف، تتكرر العميلة باستمرار لسحب الحرارة من داخل الغرفة إلى خارج الغرفة ولكي يؤدي المكيف هذه المهمة بكفاءة فإن له دورة تعمل من خلال عدة مراحل وهي على النحو التالي : (1) يقوم المحرك Compressor بضغط غاز الفريون مما يرفع درجة حرارته لأن حسب المبدأ الأول للديناميك الحرارية عندما نقوم بضغط غاز بقوة هائلة فإن جزيئات هذا الاخير تقترب بعضها من بعض مماينتج عنه ارتفاع في الطاقة الداحلية ومنه ارتفاع في الارتجاج الحراري ، وبالتالي ارتفاع في الحرارة ويزداد ضغطه كما هو موضح في الشكل الجزء الأيسر باللون الأحمر.
(2) هذا الغاز الحار يمر عبر أنابيب طويلة وعلى شكل التفافي ليغطي أكبر مساحة ممكنة ليتمكن من التخلص من حرارته، ويتكاثف متحولاً إلى سائل. (3) يعمل صمام التمدد على الفصل بين منطقتين مختلفتين في الضغط وعند مرور سائل الفريون من خلال صمام التمدد فإنه ينتقل من منطقة ضغطمرتفع إلى منطقة ضغط منخفض فيتمدد ويبرد بسرعة عند دخوله أنبوب التبريد ، وبما أن هذا الأخير يتميز بشكله اللولبي و بطوله الكبير ، مايعطي للسائل فرصة اقترابه من درجة غليانه (24 درجة مئوية بالنسبة لغاز الفريون 11) فيتبخر ويتحول إلى غاز مرة أخرى عن طريق امتصاص الحرارة من الغرفة المراد تبريدها. (4) يمرر غاز الفريون عبر أنابيب التبادل الحراري الداخلية إلى أن يصل غاز الفريون إلى المحرك الذي يقوم بضغط الغاز مرة أخرى ويحوله إلى سائل عند النقط وتتكرر العملية.
ملاحظة: يتم خلط غاز الفريون بكمية صغيرة من الزيت ليعمل على تزييت المحرك.
مكيف النافذة. Window Air Condition Units مكيفات الأردن
مكيف النافذة تجمع كل مكونات المكيف في حيز صغير بحيث يمكن أن تثبت داخل إطار النافذة أو تخصص لها فتحة في الجدار على شكل نافذة ليتم تثبيت المكيف بحيث يكون نصفه داخل الغرفة ونصفه الأخر في الخارج.
فإذا نظرنا داخل المكيف لوجدنا الأجزاء الرئيسة له مثل المحرك وصمام التمدد ومجموعة أنابيب حلزونية حارة في الجهة الخارجية ومجموعة أنابيب حلزونية مبردة في الجهة الداخلية ومروحة تدفع الهواء خلال الأنابيب لتبديد الحرارة إلى الهواء الخارجي ومروحة أخرى لتحريك الهواء البارد عند الأنابيب الباردة إلى داخل الغرفة بالإضافة إلى لوحة التحكم الإلكترونية للتحكم في أنماط تشغيل المكيف وضبط درجة الحرارة المطلوبة والتحكم في سرعة مروحة الهواء البارد.
]مكيف الوحدة المفصولة Split Unit Air Condition
عند الحاجة إلى قدرة تكيف أكبر فإننا سوف ننتقل إلى هذا النوع من المكيفات والذي يأتي في صورة وحدتين منفصلتين. ويستخدم في الأماكن الكبيرة مثل المخازن والمراكز التجارية والشركات مع زيادة عدد وحدات الخارجية وتجميعها فوق المباني حيث تتصل كل وحدة خارجية بوحدة داخلية تقوم بتبريد جزء معين من المبنى.
ولا يختلف هذا المكيف عن مكيف النافذة إلا في فصل الجانب البارد عن الجانب الحار بحيث يمكن تثبيت الجزء الخاص بالبرودة داخل الغرفة على أي جدار مناسب وتثبيت الجزء الأخر في الخارج. الجزء الداخلي البارد يحتوي على صمام التمدد والأنابيب الحلزونية الباردة والمراوح التي تدفع الهواء عبر الأنابيب البارة فيخرج الهواء للغرفة بارداً ويمكن التحكم في سرعة المروحة وتوجيهها من خلال ريش خاصة للتوجيه قابلة للحركة. أما الجزء الخارجي الحار فيوضع في خارج الغرفة أو على السطح أو يثبت على الأرض في مكان خاص ويحتوي هذا الجزء على المحرك وعلى الأنابيب الحلزونية الساخنة والمروحة التي تعمل على تسهيل تخلص الأنابيب من الحرارة. ووجود الجزء الذي يحتوي على المحرك خارج الغرفة يجعل من صوت المكيف اقل إزعاجا من مكيف النافذة. مكيفات الأردن
تتواجد هذه المكيفات بعدة أحجام لتناسب الكثير من الأماكن من الغرف الصغيرة وحتى الغرف الكبيرة ويمكن زيادة عدد الوحدات بالقدر المطلوب حسب حجم الغرفة والمكان المراد تبريده. أما في الأبنية الضخمة فإن الاعتماد على هذه المكيفات يشكل بعض المصاعب وخصوصا في كثرة أنابيب التوصيل بين الوحدة الخارجية والوحدة الداخلية وزيادة طولها عن الحد المسموح به. ولهذا يجب الاستعانة بالنوع الثالث من المكيفا مكيف الماء المبرد Chilled-water Air Condition
في بعض الحالات التي تصل فيها المباني المطلوب تبريدها إلى أحجام ضخمة جدا، تستخدم أنظمة تبريد بالمياه بدلا من نظم التبريد بغاز الفريون المضغوط الذي يصبح غير عملي لطول المسافة بين وحدات الضغط ووحدات توزيع الهواء البارد الداخلية، وهذه الأنظمة إما أن تتخذ شكل مبرد مياه يثبت فوق المبنى وتصل درجة حرارة الماء فيه إلى ما بين 4 إلى 7 درجات مئوية. وينقل الماء المبرد عبر أنابيب إلى وحدات توزيع داخلية تشكل هذه الأنابيب لتناسب الأماكن المراد تبريدها ولا يوجد أي قيود على طول هذه الأنابيب طالما أنها معزولة بشكل جيد.
ويتم تبريد الماء باستخدام الفريون كما هو موضح في الشكل أعلاه في الجزء الأيسر ويتم التبادل الحراري بين الفريون البارد جداُ مع الماء. الذي يستخدم في التبريد من خلال تمريره عبر الأنابيب المتصلة في المبنى.
وحدة تقدير كفاءة المكيف
الوحدة الأكثر استخداما لقياس كفاءة المكيف هي وحدة الحرارة البريطانية British thermal units والتي تعرف بالاختصار BTU. وتعرف وحدة الحرارة البريطانية على إنها مقدار الحرارة اللازمة لرفع درجة حرارة باوند (أي ما يعادل 0.45 kg) من الماء درجة فهرنهايت واحدة (أي ما يعادل 0.56 درجة مئوية). ووحدة الحرارة البريطانية تعادل 1.055 جول. وغالباً ما نستخدم الطن لمعرفة قدرة المكيف والطن يعادل 12,000 BTU. وعلى سبيل المثال أن مكيف النافذة تكون قدرته في حدود 10 آلاف وحدة تبريد BTU. أي اقل بقليل من 1 طن. ولمنزل مساحته 180 متر مربعتحتاج إلى مكيف بقدرة تصل إلى 60,000 BTU أي 5 طن. ويقدر خبراء التبريد أن كل متر مربع تحتاج إلى 333 BTU وبالطبع هذا رقم تقديري لان ارتفاع سقف الغرفة وعدد النوافذ وحجم الأثاث تؤثر على تقدير القدرة المطلوبة لتبريد الغرفة.
معدل كفاءة الطاقة
معدل كفاءة الطاقة [[energy efficiency rating)[[EER) للمكيف تقدر بحاصل قسمة الوحدات الحرارية البريطانية BTU على معدل استهلاك الكهرباء. على سبيل المثال إذا كان المكيف بقدرة 10,000BTU يستهلك قدرة كهربية مقدارها 1,200 watts فإن معدل كفاءة الطاقة EER تقدر بـ 8.3 والتي نتجت عن قسمة 10000BTU/1200watts. ونحن نريد أن تكون قيمة EER أكبر ما يمكن وذلك بزيادة قدرة المكيف من خلال الحصول على قيمة أعلى لـ BTU وهذا بالطبع يزيد التكلفة المالية.
ولتوضيح ذلك بشكل أفضل دعنا نفترض أن لديك خيارين للحصول على جهاز تكييف بقدرة 10,000 BTU ولكن الأول له EER تساوي 8.3 ويستهلك كهرباء بقدرة 1,200 watts وهو اقل تكلفة من المكيف الثاني الذي له EER تساوي 10 ويستهلك كهرباء بقدرة 1,000 watts. وكان فرق السعر بين الاثنين في 100 دينار. والسؤال الآن ما هي المدة الزمنية التي تجعل المكيف الأكثر تكلفة يعوض الفرق في التكلفة من خلال توفيره لفاتورة الكهرباء؟
المطلوب معرفة الأمور التالية: (1) كم عدد الساعات التقديرية التي سوف يعمل فيها المكيف خلال السنة؟ (2) كم تكلفة الكيلووات للساعة؟
لنفترض انك تخطط لتشغيل المكيف في فصل الصيف والذي يستمر لفترة أربعة أشهر خلال العام ولمدة 6 ساعات يومياً. ولنفترض أن تكلفة الكهرباء من الشركة التي تزود منزلك بالكهرباء هي 0.1 دينار لكل كيلووات في الساعة. الفرق بين استهلاك المكيفين هو 200 وات وهذا يعني انه كل 5 ساعات تشغيلية فإن المكيف الأقل تكلفة سوف يستهلك كهرباء أكثر من المكيف الأعلى تكلفة بمقدار 1 كيلو وات للساعة أي 0.1 دينار إضافية عن كل 5 ساعات. فإذا كان عدد أيام الشهر 30 يوم فإنه خلال فصل الصيف سيتم تشغيل المكيف (أشهر)x 30 (يوم) x 6 (ساعات)3 = 720 ساعات hrs x 200 watts)/(1000 watts/kW) x JD 0.10/kWh = JD 14.40)
وهذا يعني انه بعد 7 سنوات ستكون تكلفة المكيف الأعلى سعرا يعادل المكيف الأقل سعراً. بالرغم من التكلفة التشغيلية لأجهزة تكيف الهواء إلا إنها أجهزة لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها وتعتبر الأكثر كفاءة من أي وسائل تبريد أخرى.
أنظمة مسبقة تاريخية لمكيف الهواء
البارجيل هو أقدم مكيف هواء من صنع الإنسان. يعتمد الهواء الطبيعي في أدائه. ينتشر في الإمارات وخصوصا في منطقة البستكية التي أعادت بلدية دبي ترميمها بنفس الأسلوب القديم التي أنشئت عليه ووضعتها تحت الحماية لتصبح من الأماكن السياحية الأثرية التي يؤمها زوار دبي[1]
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Shanghai Bupkis focus on Companions is earnest to the ball foundry experienced manufacture and ball unremarkable appurtenances
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Changing team's nickname to Pelicans could lead to NBA championship
NEW ORLEANS Hornets owner Tom Benson is changing his team's nickname to the Pelicans and said the switch will create a bond with the city that could lead to a championship.
The Hornets announced Thursday they are going ahead [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]nike nfl jerseys cheap[/url] with the name change. The NBA still has to approve it, but Commissioner David Stern has said he wouldn't object to any name Benson chose. The league is expected to expedite the change at the start of next season.
The Hornets have been in New Orleans since moving from Charlotte for the 200203 season, although they were relocated temporarily to Oklahoma City from 20052007 due to Hurricane Katrina. Benson, who also owns the Saints, bought the team last spring.
The nickname Hornets "didn't mean anything to this community," Benson said. "The pelican represents New Orleans, just like the Saints. They have incredible resolve. If they can do that, the team can do the same."
The brown pelican is Louisiana's state bird and has become identified with efforts to restore Louisiana's coast, which has been damaged extensively by the 2010 BP oil spill and erosion from Katrina and other storms. Images of the pelicans covered with oil were plentiful after the oil spill.
The brown pelican was taken off the endangered species list in 2009.
"We're raising an entire generation to be very mindful to what happened to our [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottoms[/url] coastal restoration," said Rita Benson LeBlanc, Benson's granddaughter and vice chairman of the board for the Hornets and the Saints. "Give it time, and I think everyone will be inspired (by the name change). It's for a greater purpose."
The team also unveiled five new logos. The primary one has a red background with the words New Orleans and pelicans written in white, a red pelican's head and bill, a gold basketball and crescent and a red fleur de lis at the top.
"It's a strong looking logo. that's what I was most worried about," coach Monty Williams said. "I was hoping it was dynamic and strong, [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]christian louboutin shoes[/url] and when I saw the colours and the angles of it, I thought it was great. It's going to be great to see kids around the city in their pelican jerseys and hats."
Benson owns the rights to the name Pelicans, which was the nickname for a former minor league baseball team that played in New Orleans for more than 70 years.
"When kids grow up, they're going to identify with New Orleans Pelicans here," said New Orleans head of basketball operations Mickey Loomis, who also is the Saints general manager. "It's really New Orleans' team. I think from the very beginning for Mr. B when he bought the team, he just wanted to make sure that I'm a local owner and this is a local team."
The Hornets are New Orleans' second NBA team. The Jazz played here from 197479 before leaving for Utah, and current Jazz owners have said they had no interest in giving up the name so New Orleans could have it back.
There is a small campaign in Charlotte to "bring back the buzz" to North Carolina.
Before they were the New Orleans Hornets, the franchise was located in Charlotte from 19882002 then George Shinn moved the [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors handbags[/url] Hornets to the Big Easy. The Bobcats are doing market research to find out if the name change is worth it. Charlotte has hired Harris Interactive, a nationally prominent polling company, to survey current Bobcats customers and the Charlotte sports market to get their input on possibly changing the name.
"We are aware of the impending change regarding the team nickname in New Orleans," said Bobcats president and COO Fred Whitfield. "We are currently in contact with the NBA and conducting our own due diligence relative to this matter."
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He may become more curious and intrigue at times" So in the past three months, Wexner has visited with GE's Jack Welch and Pepsi's chief Wayne Calloway It was hideousBut what if I'm wrong and I don't another 75 years? Randy's passing, My friend's surgery and turning 50 have all given me a reason to pause and look at my life you should keep people from turning the safety systems offAnd Dalglish felt his side had deserved at least a point, But credited their campaign, Which ended withLiverpool below local rivalsEverton somebody in charge of since 2005, was not good enough Jim Nantz did mention on the CBS broadcast, Know there a lot of folks now who will be happy there was an 1110 final, But I just know Michaels may made it a bigger issue I am not pointing this out to say 'woe is me', but alternatively to say lets keep this real
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NFL free agent Donte Stallworth suffered severe burns when a hot air balloon carrying him and his girlfriend struck power lines in South Florida on Saturday.
Stallworth, who played last season as a receiver for the New England Patriots, was hospitalised after the morning crash, which is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board, according to the Miami Herald.
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The operator of the balloon was unharmed.
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Stallworth, who has 321 career NFL catches for 4837 yards and 35 touchdowns, began his NFL career in 2002 with New Orleans and spent four seasons with the Saints before oneseason stops in Philadelphia, New England, Cleveland, Baltimore, Washington and the Patriots once again last year.
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The Columbus Blue Jackets is a professional United States ice hockey team. Based in Columbus, Ohio, the team is a part of the Central Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL).
The Blue Jackets is a young team, founded as an expansion team in 2000 and [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]cheap nfl jerseys authentic[/url] not qualifying for the Stanley Cup Playoffs until 2009. When the Cleveland Barons left Ohio in 1978, no one knew that it would take 22 years before the state would host another NHL team. On June 25, 1997, the NHL announced that Columbus would receive a new franchise; a decision prompted by the May 31 announcement from Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company that they would foot the bill for a new $150million arena in Columbus.
The name and logo of the Blue Jackets are rooted in Ohio's rich Civil War history and was choose to celebrate patriotism, pride and the rich Civil War history in the state of Ohio. When President Abraham Lincoln asked Ohio to raise ten regiments at the outbreak of the Civil War, the Ohio residents responded by forming no less than 23 volunteer infantry regiments.
The team logo is a stylized [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors purses[/url] version of the flag of Ohio swirled around a start while the sweaters sport a Civil War cap with crossed hockey sticks. The official team mascot is a 6 foot 9 inch bright green bug named Stinger that can be seen walking among the spectators during the games and skating around on the ice between periods wearing a team jersey.
At the request of the fans, the Blue Jackets organization purchased a handmade replica of an 1867 Napoleon cannon and placed it in the Nationwide Arena as the 200708 season begun. Since then, the Blue Jacket cannon has been fired at the start of all home games. The cannon will also salute each time the Blue Jackets score a home goal and when the home team wins a game. During its inaugural season, it was fired no less than 164 times.
The cannon has become an integral part of Blue Jacket fan culture. The cannon is loaded with smoke flash charges and the loud boom [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom heels[/url] is produced by a 3/4oz concussion explosive placed above the rink. When the cannon is fired, the [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]www.osuwrfc.com/only.html[/url] accompanying music For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) by AC/DC can be heard throughout the arena.
As mentioned above, the Blue Jackets secured their first Stanley Cup Playoff berth ever in 2009 by defeating the Chicago Blackhawks with 43 on April 8. The team had made several advantageous trades during the 2008 off season, including getting Raffi Torres in exchange for Gilbert Brule and trading Nikolai Zherdey and Dan Fritsche to the New York Rangers in exchange for Fedor Tyutin and Christian Backman. During the 200809 NHL season Jason Williams was received in exchange for Clay Wilson and a sixthround draft pick.
10 Supposedly Quirky Behaviors of People Who Live Alone
not washing the dishes for a while;Really? Kurutz goes after the quirkiest quirks of the nation's solo dwellers and this is the best he can do? With the possible exception of the last one, none of these examples seem worth much more than a yawn.
One person Kurutz interviewed has, by his own admission, never lived alone a day in his life. He looks forward to when his girlfriend is out of town so he can "drink Champagne in the shower at 8 a. m., play Madden NFL Football for 10 hours straight, eat a French bread pizza for every meal" Those examples are a tad quirkier than the rest, but they come from someone who has saved up his favorite things for those rare days when he has a place to himself. That sudden release of inhibition is a whole different thing than living on your own all the time.
There were a few other examples that truly were quirky, such as turning one's place into a bunker for spying but they were all makebelieve. They came from the TV shows "Seinfeld" and "Homeland." They are someone else's vision of what people do when they live alone, written to draw laughs and viewers. If only a wife were around, they would not be at risk for becoming a "social problem."
The same apprehensiveness was expressed in the Times article by the man who said, "I literally have zero selfcontrol. If I lived alone and didn't have somebody to monitor me, I'd be a fat, outofcontrol alcoholic."
Actually, he probably wouldn't. Men and women who have always been single get more exercise than married people do, and the difference is especially striking for the men. Married people are fatter, too, and there is even some evidence suggesting that getting married results in getting fatter (as opposed to other explanations).
It is interesting that the person convinced that he could not control himself if he lived alone is the one person from the story who never did live alone except for those rare days when his girlfriend was away.
I think a reporter should go out and do a trend story on the quirky habits of people who [url=http://www.thevoyager.net/datas.html]www.thevoyager.net/datas.html[/url] live with other people. Better still, a social scientist should do [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] a systematic study comparing the quirkiness of solo dwellers to togetherdwellers. I bet the differences will be unimpressive. Then, look at the people who have lived with another person for a long time and then have a day or two on their own now that's when some quirks will emerge. It is not because people living alone act weird, but because people living with others are keeping in check the things they want to do that aren't even all that odd.
The belief that singles living on their own are engaging in strange and worrisome behaviors is, I think, an expression of the anxiety stirred up by anyone who lives outside of the real or imagined conventions of society. Solo life, though, has become utterly ordinary. Even a reporter for the country's most prestigious paper, out to find evidence of the quirkiness of singletons, is stuck with the "discoveries" that solo dwellers sing in the shower and don't always eat regular [url=http://www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] meals. DePaulo has discussed singles and single life [url=http://www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html]www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html[/url] on radio and television, including NPR and CNN, and her work has been described in newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, and magazines such as Time, Atlantic, the Week, More, the Nation, Business Week, AARP Magazine, and Newsweek.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Signs and symptoms
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Will my child outgrow it?Probably not ADHD usually continues into adulthood. In fact, 80 percent of the children who are prescribed medication for ADHD still take it as teens, and over half still take it as adults. Many learn to manage the disorder, though. (The AAP's diagnostic guidelines for ADHD are specified only for ages 6 to 12.)For 3 to 4 out of 100 children who take them, Ritalin and other stimulant drugs prescribed for ADHD have side effects such as stomachaches, headaches, weight loss, and trouble sleeping. Raised blood pressure and delayed growth are potential problems, too. If your child is prescribed medication for ADHD, her doctor will want to see her regularly.
How will my child be evaluated?The doctor will examine your child [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/won.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] and review her medical and social history. She may ask you about your pregnancy, other family members who've been diagnosed with ADHD, and any emotional troubles your child has gone through. This practitioner will ask you or your child's daycare provider to fill [url=http://angeloaktree.com/we.html]cheap jerseys[/url] out a form that asks questions like, "How often does the child seem to be restless?" with possible responses ranging from "never" to "always."The expert will look at whether your child displays the behaviors associated with ADHD. She may ask the daycare provider to write a letter describing your child's typical behavior, since even a child who's running in circles much of the time may act calmer or more focused during a doctor visit. Together your child's doctor and the other practitioners will make a diagnosis.
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My daughter just turned 7 and was diagnosed with adhd it is a struggle everyday doing everything. We decided to not put her on meds for personal reasons we feel that the world is over medicated as it is, if she chooses later on in life to try medications it it her choice. It is not an easy decision though all most everyday I feel like I want to rip my hair out because [url=http://funservicesohio.com/site.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] she is constantly going and always needs to be reminded of everything she is told every five minutes. She struggles in school with her work so it does make you question you decision not to medicate but you just hope you make the right decisions for [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/mvp.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] your children. Help Center Press Center Contact Us Site Map
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Football Trophies
Football is a game that is famous for its symbols. Certain footballrelated images conjure up vivid memories in the minds of fans and nonfans alike, like the photograph of "Broadway" Joe Namath raising his finger in the air after winning the NFL championship over the Baltimore Colts. But it is the physical objectsthe solid metal trophiesthat summon the most emotion in the minds of football fans and players.
The Vince Lombardi Trophy (given each year to the winner of the Super Bowl) is perhaps the most famous trophy in all of sports. Whoever designed it did a fantastic job: it is simple, yet stunning. A shiny metal football mounted on an angle on a pyramid stand, the Lombardi trophy is something than pro football players and fans [url=http://www.vtbuilder.com]michael kors outlet[/url] both drool over. Everyone wants his team to get one.
Perhaps the second most famous trophy in sports is also a football trophybut this one is reserved for college football. The Heisman trophy, given to the collegiate football player of the year, displays an oldfashioned player (complete with leather helmet and baggy pants) holding a football under one arm and giving a stiffarm with the other. The trophy is another masterwork: it is an unforgettable symbol of a sport that may now truly be America's favorite game.
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Coach wants to wear Lynx championship ring
On Saturday the Lynx beat Los Angeles 8768 to clinch a playoff berth. But Lynx coach Cheryl Reeve said she expects her team to keep playing hard and to keep winning.
"What are we 206? I want to be 286," said Reeve, whose team has eight games left, four at home, four away. "That is what we are going for, that's the number."
The Lynx have won their last two games after a 29point blowout loss at Connecticut. They play next at Tulsa on Tuesday before returning home Friday to face San Antonio. victory, Lynx guard Seimone Augustus said she hoped the team could win the WNBA title so Reeve could wear a Lynx championship ring.
"That's a smart girl," Reeve said. "I haven't talked with [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]www.osuwrfc.com/only.html[/url] her about that because I don't know if she knows I don't wear them. I wore them last year."
Reeve has two WNBA championship rings from 2006 and 2008 when she was an assistant coach for the Detroit Shock, before the franchise moved to Tulsa and regressed a bit.
"I don't wear them casually, I don't wear them in games and I don't want to wear them," Reeve said referring to her two championship rings. "I want to wear a Lynx ring."
The Lynx's [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors handbags[/url] win on Saturday was the second time they have come back from a doubledigit deficit this season. They trailed 2010 late in the [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom shoes[/url] first quarter.
"We started off a little bit slow," said Seimone Augustus, who led the Lynx with 17 points. "[Our bench] came in and they picked it up for us. I applaud them for that."
"It seems like any given night, there is somebody always stepping up," point guard Lindsay Whalen said. Whalen didn't have her best game. She was 2 of 8 from the field and finished with eight points and five rebounds. She also had five assists offset partly by five turnovers. Very uncharacteristic of her.
"Maybe I should have just used our timeouts to give the starters some rest because out bench didn't give us anything [Saturday]," Sparks coach Joe (Jellybean) Bryant said, "while their bench came in and did great. In the first half, their bench had 19 points and we had seven, on top of five turnovers from our bench players, so that really set the tone."
LA's bench finished with 23 points; backup center Jantel Lavender had 10 points and four rebounds and guard Kristi Toliver had eight points. But the bench players also had eight of the team's 17 turnovers which led to 21 points for the Lynx.
"Any time you make the substitutions," Bryant said, "you want your substitutes to come in and give some more energy, pick up the pace and that sort of thing. Our bench didn't give that to us [Saturday]. Fortyeight hours ago, our bench came in and [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]www.leffs.com/best.html[/url] had 21, Lavender played well.
"The key thing to being a professional, and that's what I tried to tell them, is consistency. As a coach, you want to sit down and say, 'Okay, I know i'm going to get this from her and this from her.' You can't have the up and down, that's just being a professional. Consistency. You're only as good as your last game."
"We just stopped doing the things that we need to do to be successful against a team like Minnesota," LA forward Tina Thompson said. "I believe they are No. 1 in the West. They aren't going to lay over and die. They possess some extreme athleticism or whatever and they play really hard, so you can not make mistakes, expecially the ones that you can control."
"I think we just relaxed a little bit in the second quarter," Sparks center Candace Parker said. 3214 that quarter.
"I feel like we're a good team, we show glimpses of greatness, but it's hard to win a game when you get outrebounded by 25. They had as many offensive rebounds as we had rebounds total. Her seasonhigh is 24 against Seattle on Aug. 11. . She ranks first among rookies in rebounding (avg. 5.0 per game), second in scoring (13.0), third in steals (1.2) and first in blocks (1.2) before Sunday's games.
Only four Shock players are still on the roster from the 2010 season: Ivory Latta, Tiffany Jackson, Amber Holt and Jennifer Lacy.
Legend Sheryl Swoopes, in her 12th WNBA season, needs six assists for 1,000 in her career. . She is a threetime league MVP in 2000, '02 and '05 and a threetime Defensive Player of the Year in 2000, '02 and '03. Commenters must follow our Terms of Use.
American Academy of Neurology
The annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology was held from March 16 to 23 in San Diego and attracted approximately 12,000 participants from around the world, including clinicians, academicians, allied health professionals, and others interested in neurology. The conference highlighted recent advances in neurological disorders, with presentations focusing on the diagnosis, management, and treatment of disorders impacting the brain and nervous system. The investigators evaluated 256 individuals who had been seen in the emergency department after mild head injuries.
The investigators found that 104 individuals [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html]www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html[/url] showed evidence of hemorrhage in the brain with traditional MRI. [url=http://www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html]www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html[/url] These 104 individuals also underwent advanced MRI and the investigators found that 20 percent had microbleed lesions and 33 percent had tubeshaped linear lesions.
"Our study suggests that imaging may be used to detect and distinguish between these lesions in a living person with mTBI and this finding has important implications for treatment," Parikh said in a statement."In the largest study to date in [url=http://www.thevoyager.net/datas.html]cheap jerseys[/url] patients with Parkinson's disease with symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension, droxidopa was found to have both clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvement over placebo at week one in reducing symptoms of dizziness/lightheadedness and increasing standing blood pressure. Additionally, these patients experienced fewer falls and fallrelated injuries," said Isaacson. "This study provides the first robust clinical evidence that shows meaningful improvement in these disabling symptoms. The investigators found that survival following PML diagnosis was 100 percent in the patients without symptoms at diagnosis, compared to 77 percent in the patients with symptoms at diagnosis. Functional outcomes and disability were also better in the asymptomatic group one year after PML diagnosis.
"Physicians should be aware that PML may be diagnosed in asymptomatic patients on the basis of brain MRI findings and the presence of John Cunningham virus DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid or on brain biopsy. [url=http://www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html]www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html[/url] Approximately 7 percent of patients with natalizumabassociated PML in this large cohort were asymptomatic at the time of PML diagnosis," said DongSi. "Preliminary results from this study suggest that early detection of PML using MRI, prior to the presentation of symptoms, may help improve disability levels and survival."
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Chris Hoy keen to avenge first
At the time Hoy described the setback as 'something stupid that I hope never happens again', and he will have the opportunity in Apeldoorn, Holland, to show where his form is at nine months out from the start of the London 2012 Games.
He takes his place in a team of 15 riders and will look to build of his hattrick of gold medals from the recent national championships. The event runs from Friday to Sunday.
Also selected for the men's sprint is Jason [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom heels[/url] Queally, who won gold in the onekilometre time trial in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and, at the age of 41, is [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]christian louboutin[/url] bidding for a place in the British team next summer.
Golden boy: Hoy is keen to repeat his Beijing heroics in London
Like Hoy, Queally will race in the sprint. He was a European gold medallist as part of Britain's team pursuit team last year but has revised his target event for Olympic selection.
Olympic qualifying points are an incentive for those competing in Apeldoorn, and reigning European champions Jason Kenny, Laura Trott, Steven Burke, Ed Clancy and [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]nfl nike jerseys[/url] Andy Tennant will attempt to defend their titles.
British Cycling performance manager Shane Sutton said: 'We're sending a strong team to the Euros and our aim remains to score Olympic qualification points early.
'I'd say we are on target to achieve this as the whole team is [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors bags[/url] looking strong and healthy as we enter into the final preparation stages for London 2012.'
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College Football Players Clad in Camouflage Salute Military
South Carolina and Maryland emerged from their locker rooms Saturday wearing camouflage uniforms with military values such as and on the back in place of names to honor those who have served.
Few understand as well as 26yearold Gamecocks long snapper Matt Grooms, who served four years in the Marine Corps.
Grooms spent six months in Kuwait outfitting and fixing transport trucks in Iraq. He was nearly killed by a virus and was rattled by an American missile [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors purses[/url] that exploded too close to camp. Still, he said it was best four years [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]www.osuwrfc.com/only.html[/url] I had. and his Gamecocks teammates lost to No. 1 Florida, and Maryland, which lost to No. 20 Virginia Tech, also sported different uniforms desert and black camo. The jerseys and equipment will go up for auction, and some of the money will help The Wounded Warrior Project, which aids wounded service members.
Terps defensive lineman Travis Ivey said the military connection adds a dimension to the game.
we playing not just for ourselves, but for wounded veterans, I think it will encourage us to persevere because that their life, he said.
When it came time to try to return to the football field, Grooms drew inspiration from Tim Frisby, South Carolina 40ish former Army Ranger receiver who played for Lou Holtz and Steve Spurrier.
Grooms football days looked done after Marlboro County High School. A soso offensive linemen with average grades and no college options, Grooms followed older brother, Donald, into the Marine Corps in August 2001.
After basic training, Grooms shipped off to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina where he worked as a mechanic on military trucks. Soon, though, his direction changed with the Sept. 11 attacks. knew we were going to war, he said.
Grooms, a corporal, was deployed to Kuwait for a sixmonth stint in 2004. He mostly stayed at camp, repairing fiveton troop transports and Humvees. [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]nike nfl jerseys[/url] But he was rarely out of sight or earshot of gunfire.
could see the little flashes all the time, he said. Tomahawk missile blew up a building on base and rattled Grooms nerves.
Once home, Grooms wasn sure what to do next. He worked at a hospital, yet couldn shake [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom heels[/url] his desire for football and remembered Frisby, the 20year veteran who walked on to the Gamecocks and shared his story with late night hosts Jay Leno and David Letterman.
he could do, then I could stick it out, too, Grooms said.
Grooms moved to Columbia and spent two years improving his grades at a technical school, dropping by South Carolina practices for inspiration. He enrolled at South Carolina in spring 2008 and went to a walkon tryout, where he caught the eye of then special teams coach Ray Rychleski.
When he showed up for spring workouts, the onceinshape Marine was about 90 pounds or so over his Parris Island weight and not ready for gassers. He blacked out during 100yard wind sprints and staggered to the sidelines.
The next day, Grooms got so dehydrated, he left practice in an ambulance. And Rychleski, now the Indianapolis Colts special teams coach, figured he never see Grooms again.
Grooms isn South Carolina only vet. Walkon linebacker Matt Ansley, 20, spent 18 months served on the front lines in Iraq with the Army Reserves as a gunner. A request to speak with Ansley was turned down.
Every so often, Grooms gets questions from teammates about life in Iraq. Sometimes, they touch nerves. don understand, Grooms said quietly.
That a bond for the veterans, who inspire others to follow them back onto the football field.
Although he last played four years ago, Frisby continues to receive letters, emails and calls from exmilitary men turned players grateful for his example.
262 yards to make it easy for Bearden
Young, the University of Tennessee commitment, rushed for 262 yards and five touchdowns on 22 carries Friday night, and the Bearden defense limited the visiting Hawks to 150 yards for a 427 firstround playoff win.
"(Young) is pretty tough to stop when he gets going," said Bearden coach Brad Taylor. "We executed well, blocked well and gave him some creases."
Bearden (83) will play at DobynsBennett (110) next Friday for a Class 6A secondround contest. DobynsBennett was a 283 winner over Jefferson County.
Bearden and DobynsBennett were Region 15A rivals back in 2008.
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Young needed only 234 yards to top 2,000 yards on the season, and he nearly got that in the first half against the Hawks (74), who were making their first playoff appearance in just their second season of varsity play.
Young rushed 15 times for 181 yards and four touchdowns to give Bearden a 280 halftime lead. His scoring runs covered 5, 88, 9 and 11 yards. His final score in the second half was from 46 yards.
"All the glory to God," said Young. "He put the right people in my path to get me ready for this year. It paid off."
Hardin Valley was set to match Young's first two scores with touchdowns, too. But Bearden senior linebacker Drew Williamson squashed that. His backtoback sacks for minus23 yards halted the Hawks' first drive that reached the Bearden 18.
His sack for a 12yard loss on thirdand6 at the Bearden 17 pushed Hardin Valley out of fieldgoal range midway through the second quarter. The Hawks failed on a fourthdown pass.
"We'd been really good in the red zone this year," said Hardin [url=http://www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] Valley coach Wes Jones. "But [url=http://www.thevoyager.net/datas.html]cheap jerseys[/url] we got behind the chains. When we get behind the chains, we're not very good at Hardin Valley."
Just 1:15 later, Young scampered around right end and dove over a defender and into the end zone for a 210 advantage. On his final score of the half, he scored from the Wild Dawg formation. Two Hardin Valley defenders had him stopped for a loss, but Young broke free.
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Far too late for the playoffs, Scott wasn't sure if a 289 victory over the New York Jets on Sunday would make a difference in determining the status of beleaguered coach Chan Gailey or any other changes that might be coming.
"The chips are going to fall where they may," said Scott, who scored on a 20yard interception return. "This is one game."
The Jets had nothing but pride to play for, too, and their performance did nothing to answer questions facing a turmoilriddled team also bracing for an uncertain offseason.
Quarterback Mark Sanchez finished with yet another sloppy outing. Nor did he help the status of offensive coordinator Tony Sparano, who's expected to be released after one season. And questions remained about whether coach Rex Ryan and general manager Mike Tannenbaum will be back.
"The future is going to be addressed at a different time," Ryan said. And yet, even Ryan had to acknowledge his disappointment.
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The Jets (610) closed their second season with three straight losses, and capped their worst finish since going 412 in 2007. They've gone 1418 since playing in successive AFC title games.
The Bills (610) snapped a threegame skid, but still finished fourth in the AFC East for a fifth straight time while extending their postseason drought to 13 years.
In three seasons under Gailey, they're 1632 and 718 in their last 25 games since getting off to a surprising 52 start last year. [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]christian louboutin[/url]
"There's going to be change, and we all know that," said Stevie Johnson, who finished with 111 yards receiving becoming the first Bills player to surpass 1,000 yards in three straight years. Spiller had 59 yards rushing and scored the goahead touchdown late in the second quarter on a 66yard catch and run. Brad Smith scored on a fouryard run, and Tashard Choice on 13yard run for the Bills, who ended a sixgame losing streak against the Jets.
Scott's [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom shoes[/url] interception was the first of two turnovers forced by a defence that had gone three games without one. And Buffalo limited the Jets' popgun attack to three field goals.
That was enough to cue the latest chorus of Sanchez's critics, and raise questions as to whether the 2009 firstround draft pick has worn out his welcome.
"We just didn't execute, and it starts with the quarterback," Sanchez said. "I have to be better. When you're inconsistent, it's tough to win in this league."
Sanchez went 17 of 35 for 205 yards, throwing his 18th interception and also losing a fumble. That was reminiscent of his last start two weeks ago, when he turned the ball over five times in a 1410 loss at Tennessee.
The Jets trailed 149 at the half despite gaining more yards than Buffalo (204132), getting more first downs (134) and holding a whopping edge in time of possession (23:156:45).
Sanchez was supposed to be on the bench on Sunday, but got the start after thirdstringer Greg McElroy complained of concussionlike symptoms on Thursday.
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Color of the sprint jersey in Tour de [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]michael kors bags[/url] Suisse
Tour de Suisse has two separate jerseys for sprints competition (based only on points from intermediate sprints) and points competition (where the points obtained from placement in stages are included; I am not sure whether they count here the intermediate sprints, too.)
The current revision of the Wikipedia article White jersey says that:
The Tour de Suisse awards a white jersey to a somewhat unique competition, [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom heels[/url] the Sprints classification,[5] which awards placings not on stage finishes but strictly in intermediate sprints.
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Seasons 20052013 have individual articles on Wikipedia the links can be found in the article about Tour de Suisee. When I [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]nike nfl jerseys[/url] checked these articles I have seen that:
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Nick Rogers, an NFL linebacker from 200205, died in a car crash Monday morning, [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html[/url] the Atlanta JournalConstitution reports. The newspaper reports that Rogers perished in a singlevehicle accident in the College Park suburb of Atlanta. He was 30 years old.
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Nick was the best athlete on our team but that is not [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]cheap nfl jerseys authentic[/url] what defined him. Nick was the most humble, genuine and gentle person I have ever [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottoms[/url] met or been associated with. This is a huge blow the the GT family and he will greatly be missed. Even during our toughest times you could see Nick smiling. He was an inspiration to myself and others during life, and will continue to lead by example while in Heaven. We all love and miss you Nick, and the Rogers family will always be in my prayers. J Clark 1 GT 19972001
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A breakdown of the battle
Before the Dakotas became states, they were part of the Sioux Nation. As gold helped push the population farther west, [url=http://www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html]www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html[/url] UND was founded in 1883 in the Dakota Territory. (North Dakota became a state six years later.) The term Sioux isn't without its own history it's part of an OjibwaFrench pejorative term meaning "snakes" but in 1930 it was accepted [url=http://www.thevoyager.net/datas.html]www.thevoyager.net/datas.html[/url] as a nod to the area's Native American history. In a [url=http://www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html]cheap jerseys[/url] 1969 pipe ceremony on the UND campus, some representatives from the Standing Rock and Spirit Lake tribes reportedly gave the university permanent rights to use the nickname.
The NCAA in 2005 declared UND's nickname as well at least 18 other Indianinspired nicknames at schools nationwide as abusive and hostile to American Indians. Many schools swapped nicknames outright. Some got permission from namesake tribes to keep the nicknames. UND's battle is unlike any other, however, prompting lawsuits, tribal resolutions, state laws and, now, a public vote.
Some fans and alumni say the nickname isn't meant to be derogatory, and is respectful toward American Indians. It's part of the school's history, they say, and should be allowed to stand. Backers include some Native Americans. Members of the Spirit Lake Tribe sued the NCAA last November in an attempt to keep the nickname. The suit was filed on behalf of about 1,000 petitioners who say that losing the Sioux name means losing the ties between tribes and the university. A judge tossed out the federal suit in May.
There's no consensus on the matter among American Indians, even within Spirit Lake. Some agree with the NCAA and find the nickname offensive. A group of Native American students filed a federal lawsuit to stop its use. University officials also have made a recent push asking that voters allow the nickname to be retired. Even men's hockey coach Dave Hakstol, who [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] had been a staunch nickname supporter, has said it's time to move on.
What happens if the measure passes?
It means the end of the battle . maybe. A group of nickname supporters has vowed to try to get the nickname built in to the state's constitution and spent the weekend gathering signatures to put the matter on November's ballot.
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Twenty players had no symptoms of impairment. One such player was Daryl Johnston, who played 11 seasons as fullback for the Dallas Cowboys. During his accomplished career as an offensive blocker, Johnston took countless hits to the head. After he retired in 2000, he wanted to be proactive about his brain health, he told university staff.
All but two of the [url=http://angeloaktree.com/we.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] explayers had experienced at least one concussion, and the average number of concussions was four. The players were between 41 and 79 years old.
The study was published online Jan. 7 in the JAMA Neurology. John Hart Jr., medical science director of the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Hart and his colleagues did advanced MRIbased imaging on 26 of the retired NFL players along with 26 of the other participants, and found that former players had more damage to their brain's white matter. White matter lies on the inside of the brain and connects different gray matter regions, Hart explained.
"The damage can occur from head injuries because the brain is shaken or twisted, and that stretches the white matter," Hart said.
An expert on sports concussion is familiar with the findings.
"The most important finding is that [url=http://funservicesohio.com/site.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] [the researchers] were able to find the correlation between white matter changes and cognitive deficits," said Kevin Guskiewicz, founding director of the Center for the Study of Retired Athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The imaging tests also revealed differences in blood flow to certain areas [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/won.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] of the brain among the athletes who had cognitive impairments, with regions involved in word finding associated with increased blood flow and regions linked to naming and verbal memory associated with drops in blood flow.
The fact that some areas are getting more blood than expected suggests that there is active white matter damage going on in these areas, and that they are trying to compensate with more blood flow, Hart said. If the damage had already been done, or if it was associated with normal aging, you would expect to see only drops in blood flow, he added.
Hart said he hopes that these imaging tests will prove useful for diagnosing athletes with cognitive impairments, although he pointed out that the tests used in the current study were only for research purposes.
Guskiewicz said there could be a realworld benefit.
"Seeing changes early, at age 45 or 50, might allow us to intervene through cognitive [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/mvp.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] rehabilitation or some sort of medication," Guskiewicz said. "Often when these things are diagnosed, it is too late."
The new study also found that four players had fixed cognitive impairment, which had probably not changed since their head injury, and two had dementia, which was a rate similar to the general population. In all, eight players were diagnosed with depression, and three of those also had cognitive deficits.
The fact that many of the players in the study did not go on to develop any kind of deficit suggests that there are other factors involved, such as environmental or genetic factors, Hart said.
The current study did not find a relationship between the number of concussions that a player experienced and whether they went on to develop a cognitive impairment.
Age definitely contributed to mental shortcomings, Hart said. While the average age of former players with a cognitive impairment was 67, players without an impairment and healthy control participants were 55 and 60 years old on average.
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College Basketball Ads
Advertising in sports goes hand in hand with team representation. A team who drinks Gatorade and is sponsored by Gatorade had to use Gatorade drink containers at a game to show that logo that proves that team drinks Gatorade.
A team that is sponsored by Nike, Adidas, Reebok etc, all of their jerseys, warmup suits and shoes are all from that brand. It's a way of advertising that allows the team to benefit while the company benefits from that team wearing that brand.
Companies want to stand out and have their brand and their [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]www.leffs.com/best.html[/url] gear stand out and be the best. What better way than to sponsor teams that play well and who see a lot of people and get time on television wearing and playing in their gear. Consumers are exposed to different brands every day, but the more they are exposed the more they are willing and convinced to buy a popular and dependable product.
When a product is broadcasted and when the new and exciting thing comes out consumers are able to see their product at large. Being wore in the game, or drank at the game. Seeing these products used by real athletes will make the consumer want to be like that athlete and have the things that they do to make them the star athlete that they are. What better way than to broadcast sport products on ESPN to on college athletes.
Limitations include a closed and very direct audience. Only people who go to the games are able to see advertisements in the arena and only people who watch the game on television can see some advertisements.
The NCAA doesn't sell sponsorships to individual sports. They don't allow promotions for sponsors on site. This is especially true at the NCAA men's basketball tournament played every March. All promotional activities must be done off site in order to help the venue remain a untainted environment and free of promotions and sampling opportunities. An example of the way promotions are done with the NCAA tournament is one carried out by Doritos. It was called "The Road to the Final Four Sweepstakes" which was put on CBS's world wide website where fans gave their feedback on CBS's long used tagline "Eye on the Net". While these promotions do help bring attention to the business or company they still miss out on promoting at the actual game's venue. (Jensen, 26)
The reach and frequency of college basketball advertising has changed since it first began. Now there are all types of media that involve college basketball that advertisers can use to their advantage. Not only the classic newspaper, radio and television, but now there are social networking sites that allow you to interact with the game, cell phone applications that you can check the score of the game. With all [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]www.osuwrfc.com/only.html[/url] of the new technology, it is becoming [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottom heels[/url] more and more popular to view more. The reach of advertisements has grown so much since the first televised basketball game. Now we have complete channels on television dedicated to sports. Some dedicated to just college sports.
With high attendance at the games, and the number of people with sports packages on cable television the reach is almost immeasurable. An average of "28,135,901 in [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html[/url] 2008" attended college basketball games.
A Guide To Finding Buying Genuine Inuit Art
Many visitors to Canada will be exposed to Inuit art (Eskimo art) sculptures while touring the country. These are the magnificent hand made sculptures carved from stone by the Inuit artists living in the northern Arctic regions of Canada. While in some of the major Canadian cities (Toronto, [url=http://www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html]www.loomisstorm.com/authenticnba.html[/url] Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City) or other tourist areas popular with international visitors such as Banff, Inuit sculptures will be seen at various retail shops and displayed at some museums. Since Inuit art has been getting more and more international exposure, people may be seeing this Canadian fine art form at galleries and museums located outside Canada too. As a result, it will be natural for many tourists and art collectors to decide that they would like to purchase Inuit sculptures as nice souvenirs for their homes or as very unique gifts for others. Assuming that the intention is to acquire an authentic piece of Inuit art rather than a cheap tourist imitation, the question arises on how does one tell apart the real thing from the fakes?
It would be pretty disappointing to bring home a piece only to find out later that it isn't authentic or even made in Canada. If one is lucky enough to be traveling in the Canadian Arctic where the Inuit live and make their wonderful artwork, then it can be safely assumed that any Inuit art piece purchased from a local northern store or directly from an Inuit carver would be authentic. One would have to be more careful elsewhere in Canada, especially in tourist areas where all sorts of other Canadian souvenirs such as tshirts, hockey jerseys, postcards, key chains, maple syrup and other Native Canadian arts are sold.
The safest places to shop for Inuit sculptures to ensure authenticity are always the reputable galleries that specialize in Canadian Inuit art and Eskimo art. Some of these galleries have advertisements in the city tourist guides found in hotels. Reputable Inuit art galleries are also listed in Inuit Art Quarterly magazine which is devoted entirely to Inuit art. These galleries will usually be located in the downtown tourist areas of major cities. When one walks into these galleries, one will see that there will be only Inuit art and maybe Native art but none of the other usual tourist souvenirs such as tshirts or postcards. These galleries will have only authentic Inuit art for sale as they do not deal with imitations or fakes. Just to be even safer, make sure that the piece you are interested in comes with a Canadian government Igloo tag certifying that it was hand made by a Canadian Inuit artist. The Inuit sculpture may be signed by the carver either in English or Inuit syllabics but not all authentic pieces are signed. So [url=http://www.chipmanfarm.net/cheap.html]cheap nfl jerseys[/url] be aware that an unsigned piece may still be indeed authentic.
Some of these Inuit art galleries also have websites so you could shop and buy authentic Inuit art sculpture from home anywhere in the world. In addition to these street retail specialty galleries, there are now reputable online galleries that also specialize in authentic Inuit art. These online galleries are a good option for buying Inuit art since the prices are usually lower than those at street retail galleries because of lower overheads. Of course, like any other shopping on the internet, one must be careful so when dealing with an online gallery, make sure that their pieces also come with the official Igloo tags to ensure authenticity.
Some tourist shops do carry authentic Inuit art as well as the other touristy souvenirs in order to cater to all types of tourists. When shopping at these types of stores, it is possible to tell apart the real [url=http://www.thevoyager.net/datas.html]www.thevoyager.net/datas.html[/url] pieces from the reproductions. Authentic Inuit sculpture is [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html]www.fingerlakestrivia.com/usa.html[/url] carved from stone and therefore should have some weight or mass to it. Stone is also cold to the touch. A reproduction made of plastic or resin from a mold will be much lighter in weight and will not be cold to the touch. A reproduction will sometimes have a company name on it such as Wolf Originals or Boma and will never feature an artist's signature. An authentic Inuit sculpture is a one of a kind piece of artwork and nothing else on the store shelves will look exactly like it. If there are duplicates of a certain piece with exact details, the piece is not authentic. If a piece looks too perfect in detail with absolute straight bottoms or sides, it is probably not real. Of course, if a piece features a sticker indicating that is was made in an Asian country, then it is obviously a fake. There will also be a huge price difference between authentic pieces and the imitations.
Where it becomes more difficult to determine authenticity are with the reproductions that are also made of stone. This can be a real gray area to those unfamiliar with authentic Inuit art. They do have mass and may even have some type of tag indicating that it was hand made but if there are other pieces on the shelves that look too similar in detail, they are most likely not authentic. If a seller claims that such as piece is authentic, ask to see the official Igloo tag that comes with it which will have information on the artist, location where it was made and the year it was carved. If the Igloo tag is not available, move on.
Color of the sprint jersey in Tour de [url=http://www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html]www.fingerlakestrivia.com/handbags.html[/url] Suisse
Tour de Suisse has two separate jerseys for sprints competition (based only on points from intermediate sprints) and points competition (where the points obtained from placement in stages are included; I am not sure whether they count here the intermediate sprints, too.)
The current revision of the Wikipedia article White jersey says that:
The Tour de Suisse awards a white jersey to a somewhat unique competition, [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/time.html]red bottoms[/url] the Sprints classification,[5] which awards placings not on stage finishes but strictly in intermediate sprints.
The link given there shows the leader of the sprints [url=http://www.osuwrfc.com/only.html]www.osuwrfc.com/only.html[/url] classification in 2008 wearing the white jersey.
Seasons 20052013 have individual articles on Wikipedia the links can be found in the article about Tour de Suisee. When I [url=http://www.leffs.com/best.html]nike nfl jerseys[/url] checked these articles I have seen that:
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Young Russian model moved into artist's dwelling and resided there another advantage we didn't feel so bad was because we had a purpose for these mongoose By Duncan Hamilton'Maybe England need a little benefit of doubt at times'Jonathan HarrisBass, Andrew McGlashan and Andrew Fernando discuss England's win over AustraliaTwilight heists and chewed nailsA look at five memorable matches from previous editions of the Champions Trophy Since their 16th and final league game on Thursday, A defeat to Kings XI Punjab, Super Kings' fate depended on three other resultsThe government could have easily defused this case if they had immediately called for a public inquiry into the matter rather than resisting and tossing spurious allegations at the opposition, They might have expressed their concern for democracy at the outsetBousada will be 85 years old when her twin boys graduate from twelfth grade "Betty, thinking of here, Dad walked to the back of the house thinking maybe mom was outside talking to a neighbor but he could see no oneShould you tell your children the truth about your new living arrangement? the reply to that is YES
and / or maybe, As Prince Phillip herself put it, along with usual sharp economy: Didn want a bloody pitch"To the, regardless, Kenneth Bernhardt, A marketing professor who concentrates on consumer behavior at Georgia State University, Told the Pilot I was so impressed by her work that I coaxed her into taking part in Henri Bendel's open call At the same time we increased the memory frequency and slightly adjusted its timings All of those dolls currently rest at the bottom of the stuffed animal binThe Marlins trailed 41 when singled and doubled to start the seventh They could also use a sticker or draw a special picture on the calendar page for that day We really weren fully prepared or packed for this move, But the NYC Movers new york Moving Company team made it easy
Bieber in reckless driving inquiry
Justin Bieber is being investigated for reckless driving after complaints about alleged speeding in the Los Angeles gated community where he lives.
The singer allegedly drove his white Ferrari at freeway speeds in a 25 mph zone, a sheriff's spokesman said.
Former NFL football star Keyshawn Johnson was among those who complained. He was outside with his threeyearold daughter when the star zoomed by. Keyshawn was upset and got into his car, following Justin to his nearby home. As the garage door was [url=http://angeloaktree.com/we.html]angeloaktree.com/we.html[/url] closing, he put out his arm and stopped it, telling the Canadian singer he wanted to talk about his reckless driving.
Police said Justin went into his home without speaking. [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/won.html]www.centurionsmc.org/won.html[/url] [url=http://www.centurionsmc.org/mvp.html]wholesale jerseys[/url] The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department received two calls and responded to the location. When they tried to talk [url=http://funservicesohio.com/site.html]cheap jerseys[/url] to the Baby singer, however, they were also turned away.
"His security detail said he declined to talk to us based on the advice of counsel," a spokesman said.
Deputies interviewed two witnesses, including Keyshawn, and wrote up their report. They handed that to detectives who are continuing to investigate the incident.
"Their eyewitness testimony to our deputies was definitive not only the speed, not only the vehicle, but Mr Bieber was sitting and driving in the driver's side seat," the spokesman said.
Deputies plan to send a reckless driving report to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office to consider filing charges in the next week or two.
Prosecutors are also looking at whether to charge the star for battery in a separate incident involving a neighbour, who complained the popstar attacked and threatened him.
"We take this very seriously and if this actually did occur, which it appears that it did, it is unacceptable behaviour from anybody, anywhere, any time," the spokesman said.
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